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Base Breaking Character Wiki

If you really want to be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way. Just pray that you’ll be both with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building.
~ Bakugo infamously telling Deku to kill himself in the first episode of the anime.

Katsuki Bakugo is one of the deuteragonists of the My Hero Academia franchise.

He is enrolled in U.A. High School's Hero Department and is a member of Class 1-A. Once a bully and all-around jerk, especially to the protagonist, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, he redeems himself as the series goes on, becoming a true hero and friend to his classmates.

He is voiced in Japanese by Nobuhiko Okamoto, and by Clifford Chapin in the English dub.

What Makes Him a Base Breaking Character?[]

What Do People Like About Him?[]

  • Bakugo starts off as a complete bully in the beginning of the series. However, he is becomes more of a developed character and (somewhat) becomes a better person later. Many fans think that he's one of the best written rival characters throughout Shounen media.
  • Bakugo has a very funny side to him with his angry outbursts, making the series fairly entertaining.
  • He never gives up on his dreams and always fights to be a hero.
  • He apologizes to Deku for the way he mistreated him since they were younger and is shown to actually care and be protective over him.
  • He is also shown to care about his other classmates as well despite being rude and a "Mean Popular Boy"/"Jerk Jock" stereotype, an example of this being Kirishima, his best friend he has shown to care for the most.
  • He is shown to be smart and calculating in battle and has shown to use his Explosion Quirk quite well.
  • He has many awesome feats of heroism throughout the series, such as defeating Nine thanks to Izuku sharing One for All with him, defeating the Serpenter twins, sacrificing himself to save Izuku from being impaled by All For One. defeating Dictator without harming any of the civilians he was controlling and saving All Might from All For One before finally defeating the latter and preventing him from reaching Midoriya.

What Do People Hate About Him?[]

  • His acts of bullying towards Izuku in the earlier chapters is very mean-spirited, and him telling Izuku to "dive off the roof" in order to believe in getting a Quirk in the afterlife is considered to be one of the infamous moments of the series. The scene is often cited as Japan's leniency towards bullying compared to the West, and even Kohei Horikoshi expressed his regret towards the scene.
  • Many fans hate him due to often getting away with his jerkish and immature behavior, being seen as a Karma Houdini despite his bullying as mentioned earlier, (even to the point of being an unapologetic jerk towards his own parents and was once seen scaring children by yelling at them to the point they cry) and also being more of a selfish egotist who cared about fame and glory rather than saving lives.
    • In spite of his development, many of his detractors believe that it makes no sense that he got away with everything too easily, being on and off with his antagonistic behavior, and was never actually called out for his actions; it was not enough to make it seem like Bakugo learns from anything wrong he did. A few examples include trying to attack Midoriya on the first day of school and getting off without detention or even a warning, hitting Midoriya during the Final Exams arc for trying to work together against All Might (which is never acknowledged again), recklessly getting himself kidnapped by the League of Villains that caused All Might to retire, and (the most infamous example) launching outright deadly attacks against him during the Battle Trials while justifying it as being okay "as long as he dodges".
    • Many of his detractors also believe that Bakugo's whiny jerkass personality so one-note that it has no rhyme or reason for why he is the way he is since he didn't have a good reason to become and act like a jerk unlike Todoroki's tragic family life.
  • Some find Midoriya's admiration and desire to be his friend to be too surreal for the setting, feeling as though Midoriya ignores his years of extreme bullying and it's unrealistic how he'd want to be friendly with a person who frequently strikes him out of rage.
  • Because of how much Bakugo constantly wins all of his fights he's had with everyone in Class 1-A in arcs such as the U.A. Sports Festival's Fighting Tournament or the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc (e.g. showing bad sportsmanship towards Uraraka without any consideration even when he won), detractors consider him to be too overpowered.
  • Even after his character development, he has a few moments where it seems he regresses back to his old self. While mostly in the Team Up Missions and School Briefs, he has a few moments like this in the manga/anime as well, such as throwing his head gear into Midoriya's head (causing him to bleed) for no good reason, this is something that detractors find to be incredibly annoying.
    • Due to him generally facing no real consequences for his extremely jerkish behavior, regressing back to his old originally unpleasant self whenever he has character development (thus showing he's matured just a little but not as much as he should), has led to many of his detractors see this development to be poorly written.
  • His inability to confront his own problems and having many opportunities where he could've helped Deku in the manga (or make things better in general) but instead doesn't and lash at the weaknesses of others makes him a coward.
  • Despite being really smart and a genius student in the academy, yet he shows to be pretty dumb sometimes and he even acts dumb in a rather unpleasant way (in such ways that his detractors can find his habits of calling others "idiots" out to be hypocritical). Some good examples of this includes:
    • The flashback to his childhood as seen in the Battle Trial Arc; when Midoriya went to help him getting out of a lake he fell into, and Bakugo took Midoriya's gesture and twists that into as an act of looking down on him (which started his endless bullying towards Midoriya and how he started becoming a short-tempered jerk).
    • He refused to follow the rules of heroism even when his or others' lives were in danger as seen in the Hideout Raid Arc during the All Might vs All For One situation, when Midoriya (alongside Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Ida) made a good plan to help All Might that went smoothly, but Bakugo messed it up since he purposely told Kirishima to say his name because he thought if it was anybody else he wouldn't trust them (especially Midoriya).
  • Having 2 fake-out deaths made several people feel that he either had way too much plot armor or that he was the author's pet.
  • A few of his detractors also felt like since he showed more villainous behavior rather than heroic behavior in the beginning, he could've been written as a redeemable anti-villain so he could take heroism more seriously at the end, but him not joining the League of Villains felt like an wasted opportunity as it could've made Bakugo even more fascinating as an anti-hero if he were to gain some true knowledge and experience for how villains in his community really are.


  • Fun fact, according to his TV Tropes page, Katsuki Bakugo is considered to be a Base Breaking Character (in-universe) since the story's epilogue has mentioned how Bakugo has experienced both ups and downs in his hero career due to his overall aggressive behavior throughout the series before he developed into a better person.

External Links[]


           Boku no Hero Academia LogoBase Breaking Characters

Katsuki Bakugo | Endeavor | Ochaco Uraraka | Neito Monoma
All For One | Himiko Toga | Dabi | Endeavor

           Sony Pictures Logo Base Breaking Characters

Animated Films
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo | Endeavor | All For One | Ochaco Uraraka

Princess Odette | Prince Derek | Rothbart | Radical Ed | Whitey Duvall | Cloud Strife | Elliot | Jonathan "Johnny" Loughran | Red | Gene | Jailbreak | Poop | Zenitsu Agatsuma | Inosuke Haishibira | Muzan Kibutsuji | PAL

Live Action Films
Spider-Man Trilogy
Spider-Man | Mary Jane | Harry Osborn | Eddie Brock

MCU Spider-Man
Spider-Man | Iron Man | Flash Thompson | Michelle Jones | Karen | Eddie Brock | Venom

Sony's Spider-Man Universe
Eddie Brock | Venom | Cletus Kasady | Carnage

Miss Piggy | Pepe The King Prawn | Dr. Niko Tatopoulos | Mr. Conductor | Diesel 10 | P.T. Boomer | Serleena | Michael | Harry Osborn | Electro | Aleksei Sytsevich | Patty Tolan | Kevin Beckman | Jillian Holtzman | Peter Rabbit | Sharon Tate | Bruce Lee | Ladybug | The Prince

Animated Television
Slimer | Garrett Miller | Tiff | Meta Knight | King Dedede | Slime Boy | Professor Redbud

Live Action Television
Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
Walter White | Jesse Pinkman | Skyler White | Hank Schrader | Marie Schrader | Jane Margolis | Kettlemans

Shirley Bennett | Pierce Hawthorne | Ben Chang | Abed Nadir

Cobra Kai
Demetri | Amanda LaRusso | Raymond/Stingray | Tory Nichols | Samantha LaRusso | Robby Keene

Jerry Seinfeld
